Posts tagged Travel Documentary
Behind the Scenes: Capturing South Korea's Unique Themed Coffee Shops on Day One of My Travel Documentary

The first day of filming had arrived, and I was up early in the megacity they call Seoul in South Korea. My cameras were ready, I had a plan for the day, and I was raring to go. I was eager to get started, and with patience not being one of my strong points, I decided to hit the ground running and planned to cover three stories in one day!
It was going to be a busy day, but with the help of my local guide and fixer, Jimmy, I had high hopes.

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Conquering the Challenges: Battling Self-Doubt Whilst Filming a Travel Documentary in the Heart of Seoul, South Korea

Seoul is a fantastic city, even with jetlag! But when you find yourself stuck in a hotel room far away from home, just about to embark on a three-week-long self-funded trip to create a travel documentary about a new country, even in a mega-city like Seoul (which is full of friendly souls and smiling faces) self-doubt can creep in. And if this is left to fester, worse, the Black Dog can arrive, along with his friend, Imposter Syndrome, and this combination of negativity can soon become a filmmaker or photographer’s biggest challenge on assignment.

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Unveiling the Hidden Gems of South Korea: Join TV Travel Presenter Scott Ramsey on his Next Adventure

Just one year ago, I embarked on a journey to South Korea, a land that is rich in culture and history. As an experienced photojournalist, filmmaker, and travel TV presenter, I have a passion for exploring new places and discovering hidden gems. My mission was to craft a travel documentary that would tell the compelling story of South Korea and its people.

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